Monday 21 July 2014

The strings were standing around a year and a half in the eye

because this transplant is sewn. Now technology has advanced so that we can find any layer of the cornea is affected by a disease process, remove it and replace it with the appropriate layer of the donor. Thus does not violate the integrity of the eye, the recreation period is much shorter and the optical characteristics of the eye are much better. This is a revolution in the treatment of the cornea.

-Are you ailments for which they finally find a cure?
Yes, when senile degeneration associated with a loss of central vision and hence with the loss of the ability to read. Some time ago we can't cure this disease. Now there are drugs that can stop the process. The eye inject drugs that stop the growth of new vessels and improve the State of degeneration, i.e. Visual acuity for the patient to read.

-Share some interesting cases from your practice of a surgeon?
I have a few very complicated cases, patients from the Union of the blind. These people are served with Braille, moving with the white cane. But it still has some  light in their eyes. With age, however, begin to lose and this light. Degenerative changes occur with very complex pathology – both sick and cornea and lens, and optic nerve.

We risked in those dozen people and get

They started to see better. Of course, not like us. They received a few rays of light more than to see the outline of a door, the silhouettes of their loved ones. For them this is something amazing. Such miracles are possible with the help of modern technology. I really started to do the things you pomislâhme earlier. Of course, you should not speculate with these opportunities. In these cases, there were still some function of the eye. In people who suffer from incurable blindness may not help.

-Available for Bulgarians this cutting-edge surgery?
No money is the most important, because no one can say how much restoration of eyesight. It should be known that the equipment is very expensive. The equipment of an operating costs millions of euros. However there are ways these operations are available for the Bulgarian: so there is a health fund. For all major diseases has clinical pathways, but they are under appreciated. Especially in ophthalmology. Basic cataract surgery .

The register covers only 20-25% of the cost

I participated in the creation of these clinical pathways. But then nobody would attempt, nor the people of NHIF, neither we, doctors, ophthalmologists, we knew how much it would cost path.

We did all sorts of accounts – for stents, lenses, for dentures, but nowhere do we put the work of doctors and nurses. So in the aisles is not recorded our labor, and this is the main item in each activity. How can the operation be without money, and to consider only the consumables!? Hardly the work of Bulgarian doctor can assess the same German or French doctor, because others are the opportunities in these countries. But doctors need to obtain as much as possible the public can afford. Despite all the bad, which talks about the doctors in our Guild is one of the most decent, conscientious and honest professionals

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